Alpha&ESM hFolds

A database for the comparison of structural models predicted by ESMFold and AlphaFold2 for 42,942 human proteins.
Part of the Bioinformatics Sweeties collection.

Home page

From the home page of the web server, it is possible to query the model database in two ways:

Search page

From the search page of the web server, it is possible to query the model database adopting different criteria. The search is case insensitive.

  • Entries can be filtered by Gene name. If this field is left empty, the filter will not be applied

  • Entries can be filtered based on the TM-scores between the ESMFold and AlphaFold2 models. The TM-score goes from 0 (no overlap) to 1 (perfect overlap) and the user can set the minimum and maximum values. The default range FROM 0 TO 1 selects all possible entries.

  • The search can be restricted to the entries endowed with a PDB structure. If this flag is turned on, the following filters become available.

  • Entries can be filtered by PDB ID. If this field is left empty, the filter will not be applied. The search is case insensitive. After the PDB ID, an underscore (_) followed by a specific chain can be added (e.g.: 7pzc_A)

  • Entries can be filtered based on the TM-scores between the ESMFold model and the PDB structure, and/or on the TM-scores between the AlphaFold2 model and the PDB structure. The logic for combining the two filters (AND / OR) can be selected.

Results page

For all entries in the model database, the results page shows multiple information.


We show here four cases to clarify how the different statistics can be interpreted.